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Marvel's New Box Office Flop: Ticket Presales for The Marvels Fall Short of Two DC Bombs

Marvel's New Box Office Flop: Ticket Presales for The Marvels Fall Short of Two DC Bombs


What happens when the seemingly invincible takes a seeming fall? The world of superheroes isn't immune to such upsets. The recently released ticket presales for Marvel’s eagerly awaited film, The Marvels, has shockingly fallen short in comparison with two much-criticized DC bombs.

This piece will delve into this unexpected phenomenon, drawing comparisons between these disparate franchises, exploring audience reactions, and fumbling for explanations behind this falter in Marvel's trajectory. Are we witnessing a crack in Marvel's superhero armor or is it a mere glitch in the ticketing matrix?

The Marvels: TBD

DC's Suicide Squad: TBD

DC's Justice League: TBD

These numbers, startling as they may be, only represent a small fraction of the superhero movie landscape. But could they hint at a significant shift in the tides?

“In the box office battlefield, sometimes the powerful stumble and the underdogs surpass expectations.”

Indeed, these figures make one wonder: What has led to this astonishing turn of events? Is this a case of the audience growing tired of Marvel’s formula, or does it reflect a newfound preference for DC's offerings?

Part II: Audience Reactions

The Marvels: A Mixed Bag

From the initial anticipation to the impact of these unexpected presale numbers, fans of The Marvels have been on an emotional rollercoaster. The initial excitement was palpable, but it has somewhat dwindled down following the presale news.

DC Movies: A Silent Comeback?

Despite the critical failures, these DC movies seem to have fared better in terms of presales. Could it be that the underdogs are silently making a comeback, regardless of reviews and critical opinions?

Part III: Looking for Explanations

The Marvel Fatigue

Could it be that the audience is suffering from Marvel fatigue? After more than a decade of superhero films, could viewers be yearning for something fresh and new? While Marvel's interconnected universe has been a major draw, some critics argue it could potentially be a double-edged sword.

DC's Underdog Appeal

Is there a secret appeal that DC holds, despite its repeated critical failures? Sometimes, a love for the underdog can truly turn the tides. Despite the harsh criticism, DC films have cultivated a dedicated fanbase that seems ever-ready to support them.


The box-office can be an unpredictable beast. The Marvels' presale numbers bring to light some challenging questions about Marvel's charm in the face of DC's resilience. Are we on the cusp of a sea change in superhero cinema? Only time will tell.

For now, superhero fans all around the globe continue to passionately root for their favorite universes, raising stakes for unexpected box office turns and mighty cinematic clashes. As we eagerly anticipate the outcome of this intriguing scenario, remember the power of unexpected results—after all, not all superheroes wear the same colored capes.

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